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125 Stories and Drawings

The Douglas Hospital produced a book titled 125 Douglas Stories and Drawings, a compilation of testimonials and art work from all kinds of people who have been touched by the Douglas.


" Life for me before the Wellington Center consisted of staying up half the night, watching television, eating snacks, drinking pop and cups of tea with cigarettes to go with them, lying in bed ruminating about everything and then waking up in the middle of the day with all that chattering still in my mind. It was an ongoing cycle. "
-Ann Hibard

" I have been receiving care from the Douglas Hospital for over 25 years.
I am doing much better now and live in a foster home, with three other ladies. My family lives outside Quebec, in other provinces; I don’t know how I would have managed over the years, if not for the Douglas. "
- Christina Ferguson

« Je me souviendrai toujours d’avoir posé la question suivante: Croyez-vous qu’un jour le public comprendra ce qu’est la schizophrénie et qu’à lui enseigner, il comprendra et acceptera plus facilement la maladie et les personnes atteintes? Ça ne fait pas si longtemps que ça, autour de 25 ans. Que croyez-vous qu’était la réponse?
Eh bien! À ma grande surprise, on m’a répond : jamais! Heureusement, je ne l’ai jamais cru, j’aurai démissionné sur-le-champ. Je n’étais pas seule …»
- Anonymous

" A common theme at retirement parties and the long service award banquets over the years has been how we came to the Douglas Hospital for a year. Usually it was the study, and we stayed. We have made our lives here. For many it was a scary place at first, as most of us arrived with little experience of psychiatry. "
- John Matheson

" My longest stay there was ten years. I go so used to staying in the hospital that, when I got a pass to spend a few hours outside, I would rush right back into the ward.
I was discharged from the Douglas Hospital in March of ’98. Since then I have only been treated there as an out-patient basis. I can honestly say, because of the dedication of the entire Douglas staff, I now live a normal life out in the community in the best Foster home. I am also able to work part time. "
- Anonymous

« Il est bien difficile de résumer en quelques lignes plus de 30 ans de fréquentation au Douglas. Par delà l’institution, c’est des personnes dont je devrais vous parler. »
- Louise Daignault

« J’ai l’impression d’avoir destigmatisé les problèmes de santé mentale en parlant de Daniel à mes amies et à mon chum ainsi qu’à ma mère qui a horreur de ce que je fais! Elle a très peur pour moi, mais je la rassure toujours que Daniel est une bonne personne et qu’il est très gentil. De plus en plus, elle accepte mon bénévolat et voit mon activité comme moins horrible et elle commence à reconnaître que ce que nous bâtissons dans le programme est unique, utile et fait la différence dans une vie. »
- A volunteer

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Affiliated with McGill University. A WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health